Friday, December 20, 2013

Why Future Predictions ???

one day one of my friend Neha was asking  "Why u always calculate everything about future, don't u think life should be like a surprise gift?"
I was not having any answer at that moment but after thinking I came to a conclusion that when u want ur life to be perfect u should calculate everything before going for some particular decision , may be I am contradicting some of the lines of Bhagwat Gita here which said "Never worry about the future and live in the present moment"
I am totally agree with the above line that one should always live in present but I am just saying that be calculative as wise person and never feel pressurized because of future predictions. For example , What my aim from childhood was that I never wanted to look back into my past life saying "If I had done this , the results could be better , I don't want my life to be a regret at the end" . So everytime when I m going to take a decision ,I always look for the future happenings so that I won't regret at any moment of life . This is the only reason why I love my past life so much .May be many of the people not agreed to me on this but this is what I do :)